Sime~Gen Wiki

Marriage and relationships are seen differently by in-Territory Simes than by out-Territory Gens.  Individuals who grow up on one side of the border and move to the other side become bi-cultural. 

(Source:  Index card file.  Attributed to Jean Lorrah -- April 20, 1977)  Householding and Oath of Firsts:  group marriage composed of all the channels and Donors --- scrupulously honoring vows of faithfulness to the group, not to an individual --- with imprintation thrown in to complicate things.

Family in Mahogany TrinroseMora and Imrahan married, Imrahan and Digen in orhuenErcy regards both men as her fathers, equally.

(Source:  Index card file.  Unto Zeor, Forever)  Digen can perform a wedding ceremony in Zeor.  Also, a civil wedding is possible.  "Perfect" Distect marriage:  Two men and two women transfer mates.

(Source:  Index card file.  First Channel)  To Rimon and Kadi, this meant living together. (Formalized when they had a child.)  Did have a pledge ceremony, usually with a big party. 

Carlana plans to "be married" in the Fort Freedom chapel --- a simple ceremony with Abel Veritt presiding and a few friends to witness.  Carlana and Del did apparently have sex before this, after they Killed in the Raid.

Fort Freedom is founded by Abel Veritt and a group of Simes who grew up out-Territory and dedicated to preserving as much of Gen culture as Simes possibly can, hence Fort Freedom's marriage customs are hybridized.
